Monday, May 4, 2009

Career Dilema

I am: a Realtor, a Telephony Sales Rep for TNS, a Consultant for Genesis Land Development Corp, a Co-Owner of a Relocation Business "Settled in Canada", an Online Internet Marketer, I have been approached by World Financial Group to be an Agency Owner, and I am tired and confused... I have myself stretched so thin in so many different directions I am not sure which way is up. On top of all that I am engaged with a Baby girl on the way and am desperately trying to get back in shape by going to the gym 4 times a week - no excuses.
So what to do?
My personal opinion is to work part time business development for TNS (develop relationships and find leads but do not actually sell anything), Focus on Real Estate 40 Hours a week and work on Internet Marketing in the down times (...where the heck is a down time right?)
What Mailie wants me to do: Real Estate 110% nothing else.
I love Real Estate; it is what I want to do for the rest of my life. So why can't I just take the plunge again (I already did it once!) and focus solely on something I enjoy.
I think the answer is I don't want to throw away any opportunities that I have already spent time and money developing. It’s the same reason I still have the box for my Blender, and every elastic band or twist tie I have ever came in contact with, or the charger for my cell phone from 2001... all stored in the basement. I have a hard time letting go of something that MIGHT be useful in the future, that I MAY have an opportunity to use without having to go out and spend money to buy a new one. I have so much crap I am never going to use and I KNOW it but I still have trouble letting it go.

Real Estate: I invested 10 Months and tens of thousands of dollars into already and it has paid me back.
TNS: I have invested nearly 3 months of my time and it has yet to show me any REAL potential... there is huge potential there I can see it... but I can't touch it... or spend it!
TNS Business Development: I have basically been doing this already, Networking and developing relationships with people in the business world in order to eventually generate leads for telephony sales... Why would I bother doing this for telephony when I could do it for Real Estate?
Genesis: I invested about a week of my time learning the product and a few more evenings going to launch parties etc... Again although there is Huge potential there I have not been able to see any of it... I have not really given it a fair chance but I feel it’s a long shot.
Settled in Canada: I have invested hundreds of hours, hundreds of dollars and a Relationship with a very good friend of mine who I really appreciate and do not want to lose over a business decision. It has potential... it has massive potential... and plays right into Real Estate, fits it like a glove... But I haven't seen anything from it... and everything I envision is a long time down the road... That being said this is the one I think will be the hardest to let go of just because of the possible stress on my friendship with Simon.
WFG Consultant: I looked at this 4 years ago... again has absolutely massive potential, bigger than any of the others, its helping people - what I enjoy... but it is alot of work up front on the Chance that it will work.
Internet Marketing: I just started and although I have probably spent 15 hours or so on Research and Development...its fun, it’s expressive and could end up being quite productive. I could give it up I am sure... but I think the whole thing is good mental exercise for me and is relaxing rather than stressful.
So what is the solution to my dilemma?

I think the only answer has to be the same one for all the crap that I save in the basement.
Get rid of everything I am never going to use...
But how do I decide what I am never going to use?
Develop a formula to come up with a probability for success or usefulness? A Risk vs. Reward type scale system? Maybe...
Just get rid of it all and start from scratch? - I really don’t want to do that...
What about just eliminating some of the Major time/space takers and prioritizing the remainders? - I think that’s the goal and not the process.
I am going to create a spreadsheet with columns for Time/Expenses/Rewards and try to assign measurable values to them. I will post it on here after I am done.

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